We are pleased to offer school programs for Calgary’s children and youth in our state-of-the-art tennis centre. We offer both in-school gymnasium & tennis centre school programs and we can tailor our offerings to suit your school’s needs.
For more information on our school program contact our General Manager, Danny Da Costa at: ddacosta@albertatenniscentre.ca
Bringing tennis to your school has many proven benefits for both teachers and students.
- Supports the delivery of a Quality Physical Education Program
- Meets Provincial Physical Education learning outcomes
- Supports the development of physical literacy through fundamental movement skills related to the sport of tennis
- Provides a developmental approach to teaching tennis related skills with developmentally appropriate equipment
- Offers variation and adaptations to allow for unique teaching and learning contexts while meeting all students’ needs and abilities
- Allows for flexibility in order to accommodate large or small groups
- Provides access to an activity that can be played throughout a studen’s educational progression and lifetime
- Allows for easy set-up and instruction in all school environments and facilities
- Promotes developmentally appropriate learning activities for all students in an inclusive setting
- Supports the delivery of a Quality Physical Education program
- Offers an inexpensive tool for teaching curricular learning activities
- Creates stronger links and an avenue to community recreation associations and Provincial Tennis Associations in order to increase student participation in tennis beyond the school setting.
- Offers equipment that can be used across a wide range of grade levels (Grades 1 – 8)
- Facilitates participation in physical activity through meaningful opportunities to develop fundamental movement skills (i.e., overarm throw, catch, run, sidearm strike)
- Provides a means where students can maintain and improve health-related and performance-related fitness components (i.e, agility, speed, coordination)
- Introduces an avenue to life-long participation in teh sport of tennis that will extend beyond the school environment
- Helps foster student cooperation and team building skills
- Supports a gender inclusive and culturally diverse environment
- Provides fun and exciting activities that encourage a physically active lifestyle
Schools Program is sponsored by: